Private sessions


his is a basic personal session that gives you access to your power, soul tasks and the control panel of your life

from this session your journey to yourself begins on a new level - through connection with your heart and through it with your higher self, soul and Absolute

what will happen in the session

relying on the heart and the ability to live from it is a basic skill of a person of modern times, opening the door to total transformations of one’s structure, one’s psyche and one’s life

this is a practical way to take responsibility for yourself, for your entire life and become truly the master of your embodiment and your life

during the session, surrounded by our care and support, you will learn to go into your heart, stay in it, heal the underlying causes of any difficulties in your life, and open access to your higher self and absolute energies

you will receive practical tools for managing your life and your embodiment, gain inner support and self-confidence that will stay with you forever

video about session (en subtitels)

a request for a “Opening the Heart” session is a feeling of a dead end, a stop in movement, a feeling of a ceiling in one’s practices and in life, a feeling that some main meaning is missing in life (or its loss)

if you have a conscious intention to awaken, then this session is also for you

duration and price
duration: 2.5-3 hours
format: Zoom video call
support after the session: 2 weeks - for the period of primary transformation
cost: from 200$

this is a basic personal session that will suit you if one or more areas of your life are currently in crisis

what will happen in the session
at the session, we will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of your condition and your incarnation structure, determine the deepest feelings that are the cause of your crisis and require healing in the first place

we will guide you to the essence of these feelings and conditions, and you will heal them during the session with our accompaniment and support

in addition, you will receive detailed recommendations on other deep components of your structure that require your attention in the near future, as well as a practical tool that will allow you to continue healing your life on your own and completely get out of the crisis in which you find yourself
a request for such a session can be both a difficult external life situation (for example, tensions in the family or at work, loss of business, loved ones, financial problems, etc.), and an internal difficult condition (including stress, anxiety, fatigue, burnout, hopelessness, lack of joy and meaning in life, a sense of inner impasse, etc.)
duration and price
duration: 2.5-3 hours
format: Zoom video call
support after the session: 2 weeks - for the period of primary transformation
cost: 500$

This session is for you if you have already been to our heart opening session, have experience with your structure and want to move on

what will happen in the session
depending on your diving depth and skill level at your request, we will help you:

  • heal those parts of the heart that cannot be healed on their own
  • identify and integrate parts and fragments of the soul
  • pick up your fragments from egregorial structures
  • activate the process of merging with your shadow
  • and much more, including (and first of all) identifying the cause of the problem that you are dealing with now
video about session (eng subtitels)
this is a re-session format for those who have decided to go into their process totally, but do not yet have enough experience to cope with everything on their own

therefore, any request is what you are dealing with right now
duration and price
duration: 2.5 hours
format: Zoom video call
support after the session: in the general chat
cost: from 200$
this session is for you if you are moving “from good to better” in life

if now in your movement towards the desired expansion you are faced with an obstacle that cannot be overcome with the tools you have
a request for an Access to the Force session is your inner need to expand into any of the areas of life in which you feel resistance, dissatisfaction, limitation, or any feeling of an obstacle that prevents you from being realized in the desired way

you can sign up for a pre-session, where we will help you formulate your request and conduct an initial diagnosis of your structure
what will happen in the session
at the session, we will conduct a deep diagnosis of your incarnation structure and determine the zones that limit you in your manifestation in a particular area

using all the tools available to us, together with you we will go to the depth of your states and help to heal, accept and integrate them carefully and completely

a session in this format involves solving your problem at the depth that you need. at the depth to which you can now physically safely go with our help. all our knowledge and all our experience as master guides will be directed to solving your specific problem within one session
duration and price
duration: from 2.5 hours
Format: Zoom video calling
support after the session: 2 weeks in private chat
cost: 2000$
How to formulate a request
the request can be formulated in any way - there are no rules, the main thing is your sincere desire to go into work on your task

try to formulate exactly what you want from working with us, what state you are striving for

perhaps the easiest way to do this is by starting from what currently seems unbearable or insurmountable.

if you know how to descend into the heart, it is best to formulate your request from it
in doubt about the format of the session or the wording of the request?
sign up for a pre-session - we will help you formulate a request, conduct an initial diagnosis of your structure and help you decide on the format that suits you
How to sign up
To sign up for a session, you need to send an audio message to our WhatsApp with your job request (a short story about your problem or task) and your recent photo

we will listen to your request, look at you and your structure, and in a response message we will offer a free date and time for the session

to sign up for a pre-session, just write what you want to join us for a pre-session and send us your selfie photo